Assessing Risk and Protectiveness of Interpersonal Abuse in Sport

Overview of Training Programme

Programme Overview:

Increasingly the sport governing bodies are aware of the limitations in only having investigation processes in cases of interpersonal abuse as often these processes do not necessarily, due to application of thresholds of evidence, identify the risk posed and, of concern, for the person reporting the harm, increasingly feeling further harmed by these investigative processes.

Critically, to safeguard, an assessment of the specific risk posed and identification of what is required to protect and prevent based on the specific risk posed, is required to effectively safeguard.

The programme covers all the theoretical underpinnings and application to practice of assessing risk and protectiveness in all forms of interpersonal abuse including those which involve sexual, physical, emotional, domestic abuse / violence and is specifically tailored for safeguarding decision making in sport. The programme will train the participants in the assessment and protective models which can be used with children, adolescents and adults. The participants will sit the relevant competence tests in each of the relevant assessment and protective models, with one assessment test in each week.

Critically this course is about enhancing the confidence and competence of safeguarding practitioners in not only their knowledge base of those who pose a risk but also in their practice skills in ‘how’ to undertake an assessment of risk interview, analysis of the information and training in formulation of the opinion. Core to this training is the skills teaching which is fundamental to achieving an effective assessment and to assist the expert trainers, we have engaged Geese Theatre company to assist in developing therapeutic interviewing skills.

Assessment skills are different to investigative skills and therefore must be founded in a therapeutic, motivational style to promote effective engagement in order to gain the required insights into attitudes, beliefs and behaviours which could pose harm to others. The course is challenging but rewarding and fundamentally delivered in a supportive learning environment. 

The training programme is embedded in trauma-informed practice and the learning from those with lived experience will be integrated within the programme.

Alongside the course tutors, specialist insights will be provided by invited guests from the world of sport to ensure embedding of the learning into practice.

The programme requires 100% attendance and successful completion of all competence assessment models’ exams for the participants to pass the training. To assist in the application of the training to practice a half day awareness session will be held for all participants line managers who will have oversight of the processes within which any risk and protectiveness assessment will be integrated.

The programme covers:

  • Overview of the theory / research of risk and protectiveness for evidence-based decision making
  • Overview of the legal context within which risk assessments take place
  • Overview of relevant sexual and violent offences
  • Comprehensive insight into risk and protectiveness factors to apply to casework
  • Competence exams to validate the use risk and protective models
  • Understanding impact of interpersonal abuse and appropriate therapeutic interventions
  • Overview of the role of technology in interpersonal abuse
  • Restorative / mediation skills
  • Assessing interpersonal abuse / violence
  • Interviewing skills
  • Analysis and formulation training
  • Expert witness / giving evidence to an assessment report in disciplinary / judiciary processes 
  • Assessment report skills
  • Integration of risk assessments in sports decision making processes
  • Overview of identifying and recommending appropriate interventions for persons of concern to prevent further harm

Programme Structure:

The 6-week modular training programme is structured as outlined:

  1. Each module is delivered over a week, over 6 months
  2. Participants will sit an assessment model competence examination at the end of each week
  3. The training programme will be in-person
  4. 100% attendance is required plus successful completion of the assessment models’ examinations to obtain a pass in the training.
  5. 20 people max on the programme

Location and Cost:

The training venue will be confirmed once the 20 participants have been accepted onto the programme to have as central location as possible within the UK.

The cost is £3000 plus VAT per person, inclusive of all 30 training sessions, all assessment model manuals / resources, course materials, refreshments including lunch each day.

The dates of the weeks  for the training programme are:

  • Week of 7th April
  • Week of 19th May
  • Week of 16th June
  • Week of 21st July
  • Week of 18th August
  • Week of 22nd Sept

Please note 100% attendance is required.

Application Process:

Please download and complete the application form below and return to by 21/02/2025 and ensure your application has been approved and signed by your line manager.