Assessing Protectiveness using CASP-R Model of Supervision and Protection

The CASP-R is a structured and dynamic professional judgment tool designed to assist practitioners from a range of disciplines (social workers, psychologists, family centre workers, risk assessors) in providing an informed and defensible opinion on a proposed carer’s capacity and ability to supervise individuals about whom concerns have been raised in relation to sexual and domestic violence

‘Clearly written and underpinned by the latest thinking and research in relation to sexual offending, child protection, domestic violence and multi-disciplinary working, this Framework is an essential and ground-breaking piece of work.’
Professor John Devaney, University of Edinburgh

Training Objectives:
This competency assessed training consists of 1 day on-line preparation and 2 days taught input during which each participant will;

• Examine the research and theoretical underpinnings which have informed the CASP-R.
• Gain competence in completing a CASP-R assessment.
• Formulate a profile of a proposed carer’s capacity and ability to undertake their unique role.
• Develop a bespoke programme of support to address individual needs

  • Podcast ONE (The Journey to CASP-R with Marcella Leonard and Eileen Finnegan)

  • Podcast TWO (CASP-R in Practice with Gareth McGibbon and Aideen Kelly)

  • Podcast THREE (Strategic child protection decision making)

  • Podcast FOUR (John Devaney speaks with Gareth and Marcella)

Training dates

The following dates are available for our e-learning package:
•24-25 May
•27-28 May
•8-9 June
•10-11 June
For further details and to register for a multi-modal e-learning event
please contact;